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Estate Planning Documents for Every Texan


Wills for Texans made by Texas Attorneys

Our mission is to provide Texans with access to simple Estate Planning documents at an affordable price. We understand that there are many websites that provide a similar service, but what sets us apart is that your documents are drafted by a duly licensed Texas Attorney who practices law in the area of Estate Planning. In our practice, we come across many Wills provided by other websites that are not prepared properly, not executed correctly and are riddled with errors. Many times these errors void the validity of the Will and the Courts treat the document as if the individual never had a Will.

This website will provide you with all the information you need to understand basic Estate Planning documents. Most of the time a formal consultation with an attorney is not necessary, so to keep the cost low, you will not meet or speak with an attorney. We will provide you with documents and all the tools and instructions to execute your Estate Planning documents properly. If you have a questions about the process, your documents, or the instructions, please submit a question on our Contact page. If after reviewing our website, you are still in need of a formal consultation from an attorney, please contact an attorney in your local area.

Please note, every state has different laws in place for creating a valid Will. The Wills drafted on this website apply to residents of Texas. If you live in a different State, please consult with a licensed attorney in your area.